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Major funds are needed:
…to spread The Bob Avakian Interviews on The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show
…to enable the Revcoms (revolutionary communists) to seize the opening for revolution allow agitators and organizers to travel to where things are the hottest challenge people in the ways they need to be challenged
…to support and promote the invaluable RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less! Show on YouTube …
…to sustain the revolutionary media on
Voices from Donors and Supporters:
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Here are inspiring statements from a range of donors received for the January 7 fundraising Livestream!
2024—A Critical Juncture and a Critical Challenge
$3,000 Matching Challenge for the January 7 Livestream—Line up donations now!
We are a group of supporters with different levels of agreement with BA’s analysis of the possibilities of an actual revolution in the coming period, but who are deeply united in our agreement about the necessity of such a revolution.
We have come together to pledge to match up to $3,000.00 in a matching “two for one” pledge. This means we will contribute $2 for every $1 contributed towards matching this pledge. In other words, if other people’s contributions total $1500, we will contribute $3,000.00 for a grand total of $4,500.
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A $1640 Matching Challenge from Texas: Let’s Put Revolution on the Map!
This challenge is written by a participant in a group of revcoms and supporters who gathered recently near the banks of Houston’s White Oak Bayou on a beautiful autumn Sunday, to celebrate and remember the life of a comrade known as Frances who recently died after a long struggle with declining health.
As one person said, Frances had a remarkable life. She was institutionalized before she turned three, as were her mother and father. She was put in an orphanage in the Bronx, and then sent to a series of abusive foster homes. She was on her own before she finished eighth grade and fell into shooting drugs.
After years of living on the streets of New York, she decided to seek a new life in Los Angeles. The one place she wanted to stop on the way there was Port Arthur, Texas—Janis Joplin’s hometown. But she ran out of money in Port Arthur, and had to stop in nearby Houston, to try to earn enough for the rest of her trip. By pure coincidence, she happened to run into some supporters of the RCP, who challenged her to get with the revolution.
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As we go into 2024, this revolution is needed more than ever
I’m Juanita Young, mother of Malcolm Ferguson who was murdered by a NY cop in March of 2000. My son's murder devastated me, but I fought thru the pain and sorrow and became active fighting for justice for my son and for all the other people who have been murdered by the police. This is how I met the Revcoms more than 20 years ago. They were always out there standing with the people who were fighting against injustice, not just around police killing people, but also for abortion rights, in support of people in Palestine, everything. And they always told me and everybody else that we needed a revolution to get rid of the system that causes all these horrors.
As we go into 2024, this revolution is needed more than ever. And that means that people who don’t want to see all this suffering keep on happening have to get involved in the revolution and support the revolution. That’s why I donate to the Revcoms whenever I can. So I am donating $1000 during this Livestream, and I challenge everybody who wants to see police murder ended, everybody who wants to see all the shit this system does to people ended once and for all, to join me in donating to the Revcoms.
$2000 Challenge—BA’s Leadership Is Precious to US
This match of $2000 is from veteran supporters who have followed the writings and talks of Bob Avakian for decades. We haven’t always agreed, but over time we’ve learned from the unfolding of actual events that almost all of his analyses have been scientifically based and correct, and when proven to be wrong, he not only admits his mistakes, but digs deeply into why he made the mistake and shares it publicly. His scientific methodology has guided us and helped us maintain a vision of revolution, even when all outward appearances have been that it is impossible. BA’s leadership is precious to us.
When BA’s Call to Get Organized NOW for a Real Revolution came out in 2021 it caused a lot of questioning among us but when he followed it up with “Something Terrible, OR Something Truly Emancipating,” it seriously challenged us to fight to recognize the openings that may unfold and fight for revolution, regardless of our questions. While we still have some differences amongst us around the possibility of a revolution in this period, we are firm in uniting around revolution as the only solution worth fighting for. We are limited in the possibilities of what we can do, but one thing each of us can do is contribute financially.
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From a medical professional
I am giving $1000 to the revcoms fundraiser because as a follower of BA and now a member of "healthcare workers for Palestine" I hear and feel the agony of many of the members of this group as they. watch in shock and horror at the genocide in Gaza and they see that the US and Israel are committing crimes against humanity. However, they do not understand why the democrats will not call for a permanent ceasefire; why the US continues to supply bombs for the savage slaughter of Palestinians; why Claudine Gay was ousted from Harvard University as she was and they do not want to vote for Genocide Joe or Fascist Trump. I am in struggle with them because BA gives us the science to understand what this is all about and why is it only revolution that can get humanity out of this hellhole. The revcoms put their lives on the line for this struggle and I will continue to support the only hope there is for a world fit for human beings.
From an Iranian living in the belly of the beast, follower of the New Synthesis of Communism:
No human being should live or tolerate a horrible life anywhere in the world. The world should be a place for people to live and develop intellectually and pursue their dreams, without all the wars of empire for power and profit; a world that Bob Avakian envisions the possibility of, with the new science of communism. I am contributing what I can, with the hope and understanding that, to get to a different and a beautiful world we should contribute and do what we can, to materialize that vision, an emancipated world, without oppression and inequality. This is the future humanity needs and we must pave the way for a new generation who will experience a life worth living.
Raising funds is an integral part of the revolutionary movement.
Our movement for revolution and socialism need people, we need leadership from the people, and we need donations and support for fundraising from the people.
Just as people need funds for their day-to-day needs, fundraising is needed to carry out the important tasks connected with making the struggle for revolution.
Building our movement with people focused on overturning the system of capitalism-imperialism, along with raising funds to maintain and build this movement, these are two important parts of the struggle we must take up.
Today during the livestream, we can do both. We can step up and become part of this movement, and we also can and must dig deep and donate
Let’s do it!
Get ready!
I’ve donated before and will keep doing so until we are all free, will you?
From a daughter of immigrants and a recent college graduate. She has been engaging the BA Interviews over the last year. More recently, she has been compelled to be out in the streets against the genocide in Gaza:
“The world has been more on fire than ever these past several years, and revolution is needed now more than ever. Instead of the usual “head down, chin up” way of dealing with the current economic system and just doing one’s best to beat the system by playing its game, it is in everyone’s best interest to fight for a new system entirely, one where everyone’s basic needs are fulfilled and no one is oppressed. We can only chase this much-needed revolution if we donate what we can and learn more about Bob Avakian’s scientific formula to beat oppression and the horror late-stage capitalism has brought upon us all. I’ve donated before and will keep doing so until we are all free, will you?”
Donate Because WE NEED A CHANGE
When I first saw Revolution Books I said, “What is THAT about?” Then when I came to some of the discussions and started watching Bob Avakian, I saw there are people talking about what you've been thinking about, about why is the world and the U.S. going so crazy. I saw when we went downtown [to the special theater screening of selections from The Bob Avakian Interviews] how BA has been around for a long time and touched a lot of people; he opened up this communication with all kinds of people... he's connecting across the U.S. and making this movement stronger. Donate because WE NEED A CHANGE and a lot of people need to know about Bob Avakian and the revolution!
Hi RevComs:
This is a donation for the benefit of the January 2024 Livestream for the RevComs.
(Please accept this as part of the matching challenge going on)
We are in a critical period where we are watching an ongoing genocide take place against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the U.S./EU, as well as the danger of fascism here and around the world. We need a third pole where people don’t have to settle for religious fundamentalists like Hamas who do not have a liberatory program, nor is it the “tail wags the dog” thinking that there is a “Jewish lobby,” nor do we have to go along with genocide and other crimes. These crimes stem from the capitalist-imperialist system that we live under. So many people are disappointed and disillusioned by Genocide Joe Biden who is the representative of the capitalist imperialist system that we live under, nor do we have to settle for the Amerikkkan Hitler, Trump who presents an ever greater danger of fascism coming to the fore in the U.S. with horrendous consequences for humanity and the planet if this trajectory is not changed.
From Texas—$930 donation
Busking and Selling Keffiyehs to Put Revolution on the Map
We’re sending $930, raised over the last few months from stores, protests and tables. Many, whose hearts are breaking over the carnage in Gaza, are starting to look deeper—are becoming more open to revolution. So recently, we gave people a way to contribute to the revolution while supporting the people of Palestine. Our table, near an art market, included keffiyehs and also jewelry that we made. And then one of us pulled out his clarinet and started busking. Several passersby dropped dollars into the can around his waist. On that day we raised $171.

Busking and Selling Keffiyehs for Funds for the Revcoms. Photo: Special to
“From a Harlem friend who attended the special screening of The Bob Avakian Interviews in downtown NYC:
Bob Avakian is one to follow. He has a clearcut solution, with the revolution... Hold onto what he's saying! What strikes me most is the scientific method, because you need to know WHY and what makes something relevant, and BA lays it out. He makes it simple.”
From a neighbor of Revolution Books, NYC attending the livestream watch party:
"I want to see change. I’m just tired at the way things are."
From someone who watched Part 1of the BA Interviews and donated $65:
“I am more convinced that we’re at a moment where change is needed and that it might be possible.”
From a participant at a small listening party in Detroit who donated $10 to help meet the matching challenge:
“I’m donating to support the fundraiser so the RevComs can give the people advice and guidance about how to get past the problems they have, in their cities and towns. So people can get educated to the truth, and also in the schools.”
The following statements came in response to a call for donors to express their thoughts on why they donate to put revolution on the map. We very much welcome additional statements. (Earlier statements from people about the Bob Avakian Interviews are here.)
From a Political Psychology Graduate Student at NYU
BA presents a case that thoroughly highlights the shortcomings of the current system and offers concrete solutions for its improvement. As a young person seeking alternatives to the capitalist and imperialist system, I often was unsatisfied with the solutions presented by Democrats and self-identified communist thinkers. In contrast, BA provides a scientific pathway forward, drawing valuable lessons from both past mistakes and successes.
From Melvin Ishmael Johnson
Writer—DramaStage Qumran, veterans theatre workshop
Bob Avakian is one of the most important and advanced thinkers of our time. My old mentors taught me about people—they said, when you watch a person that you’ve first met… does their message change? Watch Bob Avakian through the decades: he’s talking about the fall of the capitalist system and putting something new and different in its place for all of humanity. And then the courage of Bob Avakian. When others are afraid to speak up. It takes courage to do what Bob Avakian is doing, and to say what he is saying, speaking the truth about what has happened and what needs to happen....
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72 years old... today, this statement is where I am.
Why am I a sustaining contributor to the RCP Publications, Revcoms, and The RNL Show? 1st. I agree that we need a revolution in order to bring about an end to the system of capitalism/imperialism. 2nd. Required is a scientific approach and analysis and what BA calls, “working boldly and tirelessly for the necessary political repolarization in society as a whole”—the focus of this is to bring forward an all the way revolution to emancipate all humanity and take care of the planet. The system now is polarized by elite, ruling class domination of commodities and relations with hegemonic domination, war, and manipulation. An end to this system and repolarization directed toward eco socialism with a Constitution for the New Socialist Republic of North America would systematically nurture the biosphere and pave the way toward the emancipation of all humanity.
72 years old, 55 of which I have joined the social justice and anti war struggles—today, this statement is where I am.
From a Member of the Bay Area Revolution Club
I found the Rev Club on 4th of July at a protest they were holding and was deeply inspired. FINALLY someone was speaking out about how america is not so great. It felt like everything I had been thinking and feeling were displayed on their banners and within their speeches. Not only were they serious—they had a plan! They have the leadership of Bob Avakian and a real vision of what the world could be with the Constitution for the Socialist Republic in North America. I always asked myself okay you want change... then what? How do you get there? What does it look like? How can so many good hearted people be so devastated by our current politics and policies? This was supposed to be the land of the free and NONE of us are free. That's why I donate. I donate because I believe our struggles of this time can mean something for future generations. I donate because I'm sick and tired of paying taxes that go into somebody else's pocket. I'm sick and tired of voting for politicians that never listen. I believe in Bob Avakian's scientific approach of how to get us out of this mess. If you're sick of this bullshit we're living through, you should get into this revolution and donate too.
Calling on people to donate to the revolution: the cause we are fighting for is greater than us
Calling on people to donate to the revolution: the cause we are fighting for is greater than us
From a longtime supporter:
Every time I watch The RNL Show I think “If only everyone could see this show, they would see not only the horrors that exist in this country and around the world but the need and real possibility of bringing something totally different into being. They would see the leadership provided by Bob Avakian as a way to change people’s thinking and lead people to stand up for the revolutionary change that is needed.
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Why We Donate to the Revcoms
We’ve come to believe that a revolution is necessary to put an end to the system of U.S. imperialism and its crimes against humanity. Thanks to the Revcoms and the path-breaking revolutionary leader, Bob Avakian, we understand that we are in a period of history where such a globe-shaking revolution is possible, and that there is a way to win and a clear vision of a liberating, socialist society worth fighting for. The Revcoms are putting this revolution on the map, and that’s why we support them.
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From a longtime sustainer
Revolution is more urgent than ever. As a veteran of the Revolution, I am inspired by the beautiful youth taking the uncompromising stand of "Revolution, nothing less!" BA continues to inspire all, but particularly these young rebels. Take up the Red Flag, overturn tradition & make revolution. This is why I donate and will continue too.
Do you wanna see a free Palestine? Do you wanna see fascism here and around the world destroyed? Do you wanna see an end to the ecocide and the genocide? Do you wanna see a reversal on the nuclear clock? Do you wanna see an end to klan terror by the police? Well then donate to the most revolutionary far seeing group today, the Revcoms and their philosophy led by Bob Avakian.
From a Chicago musician, music teacher and activist
- I really like the honesty in the statements made by the RevComs and Bob Avakian. For example, not trying to falsely claim that the movement is huge and rapidly growing, but admitting that it is starting small and the growth is only modest. The old Chinese saying, attributed to Lao Tzu, tells us that "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
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Selling mango chutney to raise funds to put revolution on the map
Revcom supporters in Honolulu raised $460 by selling jars of mango chutney @ $10/jar. One supporter donated mangos from his tree. Another supporter knows how to can and invited other friends to join her for each canning session. Preparing & canning mango chutney is a long process and takes about 4 hours for a dozen jars but there's lots of time to talk, share, and laugh together as you work.
Our canner also made a few jars of guava jam and the demand was so great that we're putting out a call for anyone with a fruit tree—tangerine, orange, guava, mango, passion fruit—or any other, to let us know. There's a big demand for homemade jams and jellies and preparing them collectively has its own rewards.
From a donor and fundraiser for the revolution
Putting revolution on the map through craft fairs.
We are a small team of people who make a variety of crafts mainly crocheted items and jewelry. Recently, we have been working to involve others who want to be part of raising funds for the revolution and have expanded to include candles, Rudolph the reindeer decorations and handmade tote bags. Everything is donated with the money raised going to the current fund drive.

Chicago Craft Fair Fundraising - Reindeer decorations @therevcoms
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Try a Latke Fundraiser in your City!

Anti-Zionist & Pro-Palestinian Latke Fundraising for the Revolution. @therevcoms
Revcoms in Los Angeles knew Hanukkah was coming up, and had the brilliant idea to do an Anti-Zionist, Pro-Palestinian Latke Fundraiser for the revolution. We raised $153 at one location and $601 at another making that a total of $754.
How'd we do it?
We decided to go to farmer's markets where we had done work building for the BA Interview Screening. We knew from being there previously that they are full of progressive people.
Arts and Crafts for the Revolution
A small team of fundraising volunteers raised $268 this weekend at a German Christmas Market. Sale items included hand crocheted head bands & scarves, crocheted ponchos & baby blankets, original photo cards and costume jewelry. A creative use of corks and twigs became a delightful Rudolph-the-Red-Nosed-Reindeer-on-a-stick decoration that delighted many. Crocheted items were the most popular item, especially the colorful $5 headbands. The creator told customers: let's ‘band’ together to change the world!-- as she handed them a palm card promoting The RNL Show and the BA Interviews with their purchase.

Chicago Craft Fair Table December 2023 @therevcoms
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From a long time donor:
During this holiday season, or ANY season for that matter, the most significant financial contribution any of us can make is to the Revcoms and The RNL Show. Period.
This is why:
The biggest threat to humanity and life on this planet is the imperialist system.
I have been studying “Something Terrible OR Something Truly Emancipating…” There is Something Terrible—here in this country and around the world. Israel shut off food, water and heat in Gaza. This is not only ‘revenge’ for Hamas’ actions but an ongoing genocide, a Nakba and bloodbath of over 16,000 (not sure how many as of today), mainly women and children, an ethnic cleansing of monstrous proportions. This war to annihilate the Palestinian people is bought and paid for by the U.S.
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From a longtime donor to the Revolution on the South Side, Chicago
I donate whenever I can to the cause of the revolution. This holiday season, you can’t find anything better to do with your money or extra change because it’s well worth spent, instead of making a monkey out of yourself spending on Christmas and other pagan holidays! Do something real for a real cause! I believe the revolution could be on the right track and I want to believe it is on the right track, and that’s why I’m making a gift today.
From a long-time sustainer on why he values BA and why others should contribute at this time.
Understanding things requires us to look at the world in ways that we are not comfortable with. Bob Avakian (BA)—the thing that makes his voice so important, it's not the voice of the crowd. His voice stands out. You need a voice that not just goes against things, but you need a voice that clearly defines and looks at things in a way that nobody else is seeing it. Too much time is being spent...we're being told there's only one way to understand history, only one thing to do and it all revolves around "our" nation and nationalism. But the voice that is not being heard consistently is the one that BA provides. He goes out there and says what people are uncomfortable with and he makes you think about other questions and things that you might otherwise pass by. What BA does is present the world as it actually is and what needs to be done.
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Conversation with a regular donor
Recently, I was able to talk with a regular donor to revcom and The RNL Show about how he sees the current situation in the world and the work of the revcoms and wanted to share some of his comments.
He said he continues to be impressed by The RNL Show and that it is “greatly improving”. The show is giving people a real sense of what time it is and what needs to be called forth in this time. It feels like the party and Revolution Club are really getting a deeper understanding of the needs of the time, really getting grounded in the need for revolution and the need to take out revolution—not something else—to the masses. It is really heartwarming to see people like Michelle and David, for example, a new generation, taking this up.
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Statement from a donor in a suburb of Chicago
"I first encountered the Revcoms through a friend, when they were standing up to Donald Trump and fascism right after his first election. At that time, I already saw him as a fascist and no one else saw that—until I met them and joined with them in refusing fascism. I certainly found the community around Bob Avakian to be a supportive one and I found Bob Avakian himself to be a voice for humanity. The political left is nonexistent in this country, which I find appalling. I give money to the Revcoms for a voice to be out there informing others of the threat to humanity and to the planet, which will only be exacerbated due to global warming. So search your heart and see what you can afford to give to the Revcoms too! "
From a long-time supporter of BA and the Revcoms
Leaders like BA don’t come along very often and are precious, a game changer. A major factor in whether something terrible or something truly liberating comes out of the period ahead. That’s why even in these hard times I donate what I can to the Revcoms—$25 right now, and I’m inviting others to join me in that.
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Statement from a retired biology tutor
This year 2023 WE NEED TO PUT REVOLUTION ON THE MAP. YOUR DONATIONS LIKE MINE WILL HELP GET THE WORD OUT. The seeds have been sown and people are worried and disenchanted with the system. Even a conversation with a family member of my boyfriend who probably never thought of Revolution in his life showed how frustrated he was and worried about how bad and unpredictable the system is. Getting the word out takes MONEY and SUPPORT from EVERYONE.
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Painting Portraits for the Revolution
“I wanted to use my art to contribute to revolution because it’s a major part of what I do. But I’m a portrait artist and I had trouble thinking of compositions that I could see making a real contribution to revolution and the fight for a new world. Funds are urgently needed and many, many more people need to learn about and contribute to this revolution. I have been contributing from the proceeds of my work but I realized that it could contribute a lot more by advertising my portraits as a fundraiser for Revcom, enlisting people to purchase them as a contribution to bringing forward a new world worth living in, and providing them with links to learn more and connect with this revolution.”
These are the words of a portrait artist who has set up a special site to advertise his work and call for people to commission him to paint their portrait as a benefit for the revolution.