The RNL Show Interviews with Bob Avakian
What People Are Saying...And Doing
See statements sent to the February 19 Livestream by donors.
Here are some of the responses to The BA Interviews on The RNL Show… and some of the experiences in spreading these throughout society. (Share your response or your experience! Write to us at
I loved the interview. I have heard BA speak and read many of his articles. With this interview you get much more than that. It shows the human side of the revolution and its leader. His sense of humor and his passion based on science!
...The symptoms, poverty, violence, oppression... may be signs of the problem but no successful practitioner in any field of scientific endeavor confuses symptoms with root of the problems.
May we look to a practitioner who speaks to the cause of our problem and not our symptoms, only...
What I liked most about the interview with Bob Avakian was the warmth, humor, and directness of the real human being. Not the incisive philosopher and revolutionary—though he is marvelously both—but this person, with a past, with passions, with flaws, with modesty. I was not in the presence of a “god-man”; I did see a fully human man: his revolutionary challenge is, for me, made all the more powerful. Watching the interview also sparked my memory of having appeared as a lawyer in Spurgeon Avakian’s courtroom. I have gained greatly from both son and father.
Steven Rood
I am adding my $500 to the cause and also calling on all healthcare professionals (and others) to learn about BA, to really think about how each of us can help create a new world, to check out these RNL Interviews and study the works of BA, and to join in this movement for a real revolution now.
Contribute as generously as you can.
Farsi Version of this Statement
Bob Avakian is someone who doesn't let people's attention get diverted from the widespread and continual crimes of capitalist system. He scientifically shows that an oppressor in any shape or form—whether it is of the Islamic Republic rulers or the Taliban or the US, the Russian or the Chinese imperialists—the shape doesn't matter. They're all products of the capitalist system.
Shekib Mosadeq
A few weeks ago, inspired by the new interviews, "Up Close and Personal With Bob Avakian, Heart and Soul & Hard-Core For Revolution,"... I made a donation and called on others to match that donation....Over the past few weeks, the show and the website have told of ways people have come together with determination to raise funds and strengthen a movement on a mission to put revolution on the map....
In this spirit, I want to make an additional $500 challenge donation, and call on five other people to donate $500 dollars (we could call it a 500x5), focusing this challenge on people who have the resources to make this kind of gift to the struggle, and who can see, watching the interviews and this livestream today, that THIS is where those funds should go!
I believe that these interview videos can appeal, on various levels, to a fairly wide audience. We should go out rather broadly with them to lots of strata, even people who have been solidly in the liberal camp, but whose confidence has been shaken lately as to whether the system can survive amid the crisis and reaction they are witnessing. There are many parts of the interview that speak to their deeper yearning for a way out of this mess and a way forward; even if such middle forces don't agree with everything that is said, it will force many of them to ponder what is at stake, and to consider "where should I stand if it does come to that?" In other words, BA's message can now strike home in places where it might not have even been given a hearing five years ago.
“…we have to reach out to the young people and get them to realize that they have to look up AND THEY HAFTA SEE THAT THEY HAFTA STOP ACTING AS THE SYSTEM WANTS THEM TO ACT, that they act in all these harmful ways because they don't see a way out, and we hafta give them that way out. But as BA said, this will be a big struggle, a huge struggle!” She said she has designed a shirt she wants to get printed to sell to raise money for the revolution, saying “Stop killing each other.”
This person made a PONCHO as a premium for someone who contributes $500 during today’s livestream.
Also, for a donation of $200 you can request a baby blanket similar to this spiderman throw. She can do it with a theme including sports teams, spiderman, or other things based on request.
I am donating because the work that Bob Avakian and the revcoms are doing in scientifically analyzing our current oppressive conditions is important and needs to be put center stage of discussions about what is happening in this country and this world. Too much of what is provided by commercial media and traditional or patriotic institutions, including schools, is more a matter of covering up government misdeeds and oppressions than they are about clarifying them and being part of a solution to improve them. Bob Avakian, and revcom, have proved to be clear eyed in doing a lot of that good work, it needs to be widely disseminated, debated and discussed.
I finished the second part of the interview last week, and am planning on finishing the third this week when I’m home from visiting family. It’s really a very interesting interview. His points about the institutionalized patriarchy, systemic oppression, cancel culture, and the dissection of the Bible are all very thought-provoking and well said. Thank you so much for this information
I am a Vietnam veteran having going into the service when I was 17, discharged undesirably when I was 21. It was after my discharge that I became active against the war. I came to see what this country did around the world, and how they used us to further their oppression of people…
I give to the revcoms because there is no one group other than this one. They can bring people forward and unite people for a real change. I have to mention Bob Avakian, because he has been unwavering over the years, he tries to unleash your mind so you can grow stronger and figure it out, he makes you think.
I made a donation for the fund drive to publicize the BA Interviews on The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show. Why did I do this and why am I encouraging other people to listen to the interviews, support The RNL Show, and to get these interviews out to others broadly? If people are really being honest with themselves, the situation IS dire, but there are real possibilities to change things if we want a better future for humanity, the planet and future generations.
If BA's voice, with all its heart, humor, and thoroughly scientific analysis were to reach students, activists, thinkers, artists, writers, poets, journalists, what a difference it could make!
People whose heads are turned towards making sense of this oppressive and soul crushing world, whose curiosity outweighs their cynicism, could emerge as followers of BA and The New Communism and ultimately become fighters for revolution....
“How I raise money is by watching the 3rd part of the interview at work during my Break, and a lot of my coworkers was curious so I decided to put it on my Bluetooth speaker so they can listen and watch it. Also, a lot of my coworkers was really into it, so after the video I boldly ask my coworkers are they willing to donate. Some agree to donate. I even got one of my cousins to donate—to my knowledge he haven’t watch the interview yet but he wanted to donate because it’s a good cause. So that’s how I raise funds.”
I'm giving $325.... I’m giving today because Bob Avakian talks about ending all this oppression with a revolution. Bob Avakian talks about a new world, his vision is emancipating....
I find these Bob Avakian Interviews very interesting! I can say I feel the same way as he, I want to see humanity emancipated.
therevcoms: As the holidays arrive, millions of people confront the fact that time with family means a visit to a jail, prison or juvenile hall where their loved ones are being treated like animals. Los Angeles Juvenile Halls are faced with crisis, and the LA times recently exposed another level of terror and torture being inflicted on the youth incarcerated there.
“I connected with y'all after I heard the program on the radio (The Michael Slate Show) and I knew what y'all was saying was the truth. I've always felt that way in my heart. When I listened to your group I felt like I connected with somebody who felt the same way I did and understood life that way and really wanted to put effort in trying to do something about it. And that's why I'm donating because I know it's the right thing to do.”
"I just donated $50 to the Campaign because I know how hard it is to raise funds for organizations that work for equality and an extraordinary way to achieve that. Part 2 has a section on Ukraine about which many of us wrestle. We don’t want to see a people overrun by another nor do we want to see a people possibly used for a proxy war. Mr. Avakian’s analysis adds to my personal struggle between wanting to help a suffering people yearning for a certain freedom and our sincere desire to build better societies worldwide.
"Thank you."
Following are oral statements that came with 2 donations of $5 each from a young couple who work at a washateria in one of Houston's major ghettos. The first is from a woman who keeps cards promoting the Interview on a little stand at the counter where she works, set up to catch people's attention.
"I think he (BA) is sending a really good message. It's an eye opener and people really need to hear it."
Her Boyfriend:
"I would like to help this movement grow. With this donation I hope to help in some way as I myself and girlfriend are struggling with many relatable things Mr. Avakian speaks of. I pray this movement grows and we see nothing but blessings out of this."
“You can’t get liberty under this system and BA says that revolution will bring human emancipation”. He had just seen a picture book documenting the U.S. penal system. He said it reminded him of the penal system of Devil’s Island under Napoleon III (1851 to 1870) and Hitler. “This is a declining empire, it can’t deliver—neither Trump or the Democrats have any answers”.
Para mí Bob Avakian dice la verdad. Me gusta lo que dice en su entrevista. Lo dice de una manera bien centrado y seguro.
(To me Bob Avakian speaks the truth. I like what he says in his interview. He says it in a very focused and confident way.)
From A $900 donor:
I've been in and out of touch with the work of Bob Avakian over decades, and I can see both the thing about the solid foundation of his commitment to the goal of revolutionary change, and the amount of development, of his commitment to and his deep, scientific understanding of the underlying, larger picture of the reality of society; of the plight of mankind.
"But I've noticed recently since the Interviews, my approach and observations and everything changed, and what I pay attention to, and what I see in people. There is definitely more beauty that I find now. So the interview wasn't just a political revelation and kind of a source of answers to a lot of questions. But it definitely was a big, personal, emotional and transforming experience. And I want to learn even more." Read more
As the holidays arrive, millions of people confront the fact that time with family means a visit to a jail, prison or juvenile hall where their loved ones are being treated like animals. In the midst of this, and a major crisis specifically in the juvenile jails, the National Revolution Tour went out to reach people with the real way out of this madness. Read more
"Though I’d earlier watched Part 1 of the BA interview, this weekend I watched the video clip “Bob Avakian speaks to those who live life on the desperate edge and members of the Revolution Club of Chicago respond.” I watched it twice and decided to give to the fund drive to put revolution on the map. What Bob Avakian said in the clip reminded me of my conversations with my students, mostly African-American youth from impoverished neighborhoods, where we’d have at times deep talks where they would often blame themselves for the situations they were stuck in, or blame their teachers and I’d tell them to blame the system instead.
A team from the Revolution Tour has been strategizing on how to go outside of our immediate networks and reach out broadly to the middle class—for real engagement and impact with The Bob Avakian Interviews on The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show, and to raise funds to put this revolution on the map. In this, we've also wrestled with the strategic importance of reaching those among the intelligentsia who really care—challenging them to get into this revolution, at this urgent time. Read more
From a reader:
My office has a yearly holiday party which involves “Secret Santa” exchanges and gifts. In lieu of presents this year... I received a total of $300 in cash and gift cards from three people expressing appreciation for “my dedication” to fighting for a better world, and one person wrote about appreciating my “passion and commitment to reminding her and others to ‘look up’ (vs. Don’t Look Up!) and this was a donation to RevCom…"
“I'm going to match donations up to $500 dollars to encourage others to donate at this very important time in history. The work of BA is of critical importance to anyone who seeks to cast off the burdens of racism, sexism and homophobia to stop the destruction of our planet. If you see the actual emancipation of all of humanity, we need this plan and this scientific approach. There is no better time than now, the fate of the planet and humanity is at stake.”
* * * * *
The $500 challenge was met and exceeded by another generous $500 donor plus many smaller donations, including $24 collected from stores which displayed palm cards for the BA Interviews.
"I made a donation for the fund drive to publicize the BA Interviews on The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show. Why did I do this and why am I encouraging other people to listen to the interviews, support The RNL Show, and to get these interviews out to others broadly? If people are really being honest with themselves, the situation IS dire, but there are real possibilities to change things if we want a better future for humanity, the planet and future generations."
I understand Bob Avakian’s position, his evolution. He’s been looking at society and has responded to the changes in society—I totally understand how he’s gotten to this point.
I am impressed with Bob Avakian’s ability to articulate the present conditions; there is knowledge of how this system needs to change, but the question for me is how. I seriously want to hear how such a change could be made. Things do need to be changed, especially because of the imperialistic nature of this system.
I understand when Bob Avakian talks about state power in the hands of the right people. Because the power that is in control in this country and the world is not for the people. The power that we have is not constituted to be humane for this country and the world. Bob Avakian has profound educated understanding of a humane world for everyone through Revolution.
“People don't need a new religion...they desperately need a REAL way forward. They need to get to know the leadership that exists for this revolution, to see Bob Avakian, hear him speak to these big questions, hear his scientifically-grounded and unshakable optimism and confidence in the potential of people to rise and become emancipators of humanity.”
Watching these Interviews with BA makes revolution seem more real. Through a living application of science, BA makes it plain in terms of the basis for revolution... There is a demystification of all the bullshit so you can see the real terms of things, the raw nature of this system much more clearly. And you see him leading this whole process.
“I really liked his points on how the idea of rights in our society, which is a capitalist imperialist society can only go so far, like the whole right to eat thing, and that you can exercise your rights as long as they stay within the framework of capitalism imperialism."
Broad impact with The Bob Avakian Interviews at a Latin Music Festival in Los Angeles.
"I don’t know anybody that has spoken and written more persuasively and brilliantly about how and why we have a fascist movement in this country..."
“In this interview what really struck me was just how deep he went into governing, like how would you govern a new society, how would you actually?"
I was able to watch the third installment of the Bob Avakian “Heart and Soul & Hard-Core for Revolution” with comrades and friends from the Revolution Club in Chicago, and I wanted to share a few things about the experience. If you haven’t seen it—and even if you have—this is a truly incredible 2 hours, where you not only get a course in the principles, methods and morals of the new communism, and in what the new society will look and feel like, but BA just opens his heart in a very moving way.
I got there early, but pretty much right away I got a real sense of elan from the revcoms in charge. It was relaxed and friendly, but at the same time serious. People were looking at literature and talking, and there were two people selling handmade headbands with STOP PATRIARCHY and other patches, along with jewelry, to raise funds. By the time we got a few minutes into it, there were maybe 35 people at the viewing, with half from the surrounding south side neighborhoods and a few from the west side, plus people from the north side and the burbs.
“In my country there have been lots of leaders, especially amongst the educated minority. I came from a progressive background, but nothing has been spelled out with a specific model as brought out in the interview. I was really moved. I respect him more than any other leader. That interview opened up my eyes.”
"I was impressed by the part where he talked about listening to people you wouldn’t agree with if they might have a point here and there... Because very few people will admit something like that, that their opponent might have a point here and there."
" Cornel West has said, he’s a long-distance runner in this and not has given up and turned the opposite way, which a lot of people have given up on revolution."
"He reminded me about something that I witnessed during the Iranian revolution in 1979...."
Just to think about this that he’s being doing this for over 45 years, and the one thing is that he feels the responsibility for the emancipation of oppressed humanity and that is why he can’t give up. It’s something that is mind-boggling, you know come to think of it. And I think it’s also important from the point of view that there’s a lot of ferment in the rest of the world also, and many people have embraced this new communism in certain parts, like Iran, and some parts in Mexico, even a part in Afghanistan, and Bangladesh, and there is some ferment even in Europe. So, I think that at this time, not only for this country, because we are in a rare time when revolution is more possible, but also for the rest of the world because you know, it does impact the rest of the movements of the world.
— From someone in Texas, after watching part 3
“That guy is so great: real and passionate and extremely informed and so able to express his perspective. I guess that’s what stands out. No specific stated facts, just that big picture and all the little pictures he delivers so well.”
— social media comment
“Have you ever hit a dead end, struggling with futility to find answers that give you an escape from the despair you see in the world around you? ... Bob Avakian renews our necessary call to scientific liberating action in his recent interview with the RNL Show. The invitation is open to all as you watch, listen and meditate on his insights throughout the talk. It’s never too late to change the course of history in society today...”
“Humor on top of revolutionary brilliance!”
— from a writer and activist
“This isn't for the faint of heart. This is that real talk right here!!”
— Revolution Club, Chicago member
“I couldn’t stop thinking this while I was watching: Holy shit, this guy is legit, he deadass wants to overthrow the system, which requires overthrowing the institutions that enforce it. This may be my mom's worst nightmare but it’s humanity's only hope, as has been determined via the scientific approach.”
— from a member of the Revolution Club
“He’s exciting and inspiring and reminds me of the time in my life where I saw things as he does. I also felt kinship when he suggested that the election deniers rationalize their choice with their racism, their thought that only THEY should be allowed to vote. I’ve watched only half of the first lecture but it’s done me a world of good already. Hope I’ll continue this re-education.”
— from a novelist from the 60’s generation
“I've always respected BA. I got a kick out of the word "soul" being used. Since we're not talking about R&B.”
— comment from youtube
“A man in his thirties stopped to watch this clip and came over to talk about it. He said when he saw BA’s image on the TV screen, he thought this looked like somebody who has never stepped a foot in the hood a day in his life. But when he heard him speak, he was astonished by how deeply he understands what is going on there...”
Out in South Central Los Angeles with a TV in a truck showing people the NEW interview with Bob Avakian! Photo: revcoms
“This is like a movie and the plot of the movie is humanity are the underdogs and we are trying to build a movement to save the world. You hear that in movies but this is real! I came here looking for trouble and, boy did I find it.”
— from a member of the Revolution Club
Los Angeles: Watching the interview of a leader for a time when the future hangs in the balance. Photo: revcoms
“Communism needs ‘Legions of critically and creatively thinking people.’ Love that. Always fighting for a thoroughly scientific approach. This is a hallmark of Avakian. It's refreshing and needed.“
— from a revcom artist
“Great interview. Loved hearing about his life and transformation as well as his analysis.”
— from a writer and activist
“I'm not a Revcom but I have mad love for yall. I think it's corny as hell that people call you cultists when they speak as if Democratic Party politicians are their actual friends, not just ‘public servants,’ but friends. They refer to the president—affectionately!—as ‘Joe,’ as if they know him personally, as if he cares about them at all, as if he hasn't played defense (and sometimes offense) for omnicidal American conservatism from the gate.”
— comment from youtube
“I think the interviewers did a good job. They asked interesting questions. But, you know, the whole bit about poetry and literature and the human experience of being amazed at things… that sort of translates into a capacity to me to envision a future.”
— from an event at Revolution Books, NY
“… especially impressed by not seeking revenge from those who have been oppressed. We have to get beyond that. Not contrived, not rehearsed, so natural is so appealing… ”
“I’m used to fighting my way through by myself, but he kept drawing it back, painting a bigger and bigger picture.”
“As important and powerful as all the larger theoretical and political points that Avakian is making are, I also really enjoy hearing these personal stories like about youth, and growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area... He's quite good at weaving together the micro and the macro... And also, right on to calling out the ‘lack of curiosity’ that is too prevalent in our contemporary capitalist culture.”
— from a comment on youtube
“I loved the part that living in the United States is like living in the house of Tony Soprano. I find what he said fairly accurate and so all his putting forward of the contradictions about the ‘little goodies’ all of us enjoy here in the U.S. made me look at it a little bit differently.”
“…this was different than other things — more personal, live discussion…”
“I loved the humanity of it... how people can see he's a real person. And I loved how Sunsara and Andy put the questions to him. How they prepared questions they really wanted to know his answers to. It was wonderful.”
— from a veteran of ACT UP and all-around fighter for people’s right
“This part [in the second installment of the Interview] made me understand the system. He broke it down in a way that I could understand. He tells you straight, how he brings it a baby could understand. BA speaks like us, he don’t care if you like it or not – he just tells the truth.”
“...we have to reach out to them [the young people] and get them to realize that they have to look up AND THEY HAFTA SEE THAT THEY HAFTA STOP ACTING AS THE SYSTEM WANTS THEM TO ACT...”
Follow: @BobAvakianOfficial
Follow: @TheRevcoms