This week, The RNL—Revolution, NOthing Less—Show released an incredible excerpt from The Bob Avakian Interviews 2025. This was a rough cut of new interviews with Bob Avakian by Sunsara Taylor. The excerpt covered the very timely first four questions from the full two-part interview. And these come just a few weeks after the release of an important message from Bob Avakian (BA): 2025: A New Year—Profound New Challenges—And A Profoundly Positive Way Forward In the Face of Very Real Horror.
As the Trump fascist regime is waging an onslaught of fascist terror, hundreds and thousands are starting to stand up to say NO! This needs to grow exponentially and quickly. And it needs to reach into every corner of society.
As some are starting to straighten their backs, standing up with youth taking to the streets, while many are furious yet still reeling from the fascist shock-and-awe, millions need to hear the clarity, leadership, direction and vision being provided by Bob Avakian. They need to hear him break down a scientific understanding of what's happening, why and what their historic role is now.
To get this New Year's Message, these new Interviews and Bob Avakian's social media overall reaching throughout society takes funds. We are, right now, in the midst of a two-week fund drive to raise $10,000 by February 10. These funds will go to online advertising to reach millions of new people. They will go toward posters and stickers so word of this is everywhere. And the funds will go to producing a quality edit of these Interviews quickly.
Bob Avakian is going up against the refusal of the Democrats and too many others to confront and name what we're really facing: FASCISM. He lays bare the reality, the stakes, and what is to be done.
Big questions are before humanity and people in this country that Bob Avakian addresses like no one else. Will people understand what we're really facing? Will they recognize how the vicious attacks on immigrants are part of a determined fascist program? Will they see the basis to unite all who can be united to DEFEAT this fascism? Will people understand how the fascism flows out of this whole system of capitalism-imperialism? Will they raise their sights to the fact that there is a radically different way we could be living, that a fundamentally different system is not just urgently necessary, but is really possible? Will they come to see what a difference it makes that we have farsighted scientific leadership in BA for the struggle that is needed? And through this, will there be a serious, disciplined and organized force forged to take this struggle all the way?
As people are rising in struggle against this fascism, there is a life and death question sharply posed of where will this struggle go as the future of humanity hangs in the balance. Some years ago in a major document, the revcoms wrote of the leadership we have in Bob Avakian:
Where there is oppression, there will be resistance—the masses of people will continually rise up against their conditions of oppression and those who enforce this oppression. But, without the necessary scientific theory and leadership, the struggle of the oppressed will be contained, and remain confined, within the system which is the source of oppression, and the horrors to which the masses are subjected will go on, and on. The new synthesis [of communism] and the leadership of Bob Avakian represents and embodies the scientific understanding and approach the masses of the oppressed need to make the revolution they need—a revolution whose ultimate goal is a communist world—to emancipate themselves and ultimately humanity as a whole.
At this moment, your donation to the National Campaign to Get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere is of huge importance. Reach widely right now, in these next days, to raise funds. Watch the 2025 New Year's Message with people. Share The Bob Avakian Interviews 2025. Use this fundraising letter.
As Annie Day said on the last RNL Show, "...these interviews and this New Year's message from Bob Avakian are historic interventions at a time where history is going to pivot one way or the other. Right now really is going to determine the future. What we're hearing from Bob Avakian is the leadership that people need. People are going to act one way or the other in this situation based on what they understand... based on how they understand reality. This New Year's Message, and these interviews are key in helping people understand what they need... getting these in front of millions and millions of people is going to require funds."
Give generously. Reach out widely.
Through funds generously donated through the year-end drive, we were able to do a big push with the New Year's message. This got in front of millions with over 130,000 people clicking to watch, and 4,000 watching the message in full. Because we were able to get this message in front of serious people with big questions, the message received substantive comments and engagement. One person wrote, "I AGREE WITH EVERY WORD YOU SAID… my deceased husband said every day back from the 1970 s ..WE NEED A REVOLUTION… I wasn’t so sure then but I believe he had keen insight and there is no question that we NEED A REVOLUTION… LETS DO THIS PEOPLE…!!!" A couple people commented that they shared the message and wanted to know what else they could do. One person commented, "People voted for this insanity. I think we as a society need to be honest with ourselves White Supremacists are and always have been in the foundation of this collection of States. The KKK has been around since 1865 without having to hide or even think about hiding why is that? How can a criminal like Trump reach the White House? Because we care more about White Supremacy than we care about morality!" Another person commented, in part, "Love the video subscribed and shared. We are in deep doo doo folks. The American working-class citizens 'seventy seven million of them' have just voted for Nautzees, billionaires, rapists, fascists, convicted-criminals, global warming deniers, insurrectionists, GQP-Anon nut jobs, anti-vaxx nut jobs, anti-science, anti-women, anti-union, serial liars and they really think there will not be any consequences for it, or it is not going to be that bad 'they tell me'..."
These kinds of debates and questions have to spread throughout society, pointing to the problem we face, and the solution.