A little over one week ago, Bob Avakian released his important message: 2025: A New Year—Profound New Challenges—And A Profoundly Positive Way Forward In the Face of Very Real Horror. We are announcing here a two-week $10,000 drive to put this before many more people, to intrigue and provoke serious people looking for serious answers.
In the days since, Trump was inaugurated and has unleashed a hell storm of fascist measures. The Trump regime is going for "shock and awe"—trying to stun people into silence and paralysis, moving quickly with the direction and momentum toward fascist consolidation. This has shaken millions to their core.
Right now, urgently, what people do and don't do depends on what they understand.
In a time of disorientation and despair... in a time when many are looking for a meaningful way to fight all this—people need to hear the concrete and visionary leadership Bob Avakian is providing in this message. They need to hear why we're in the situation we're in, and what to do about it. What is fascism? Where did this fascism come from? Why are there millions who support it? Can it be defeated? What is the nature of this system that's given rise to this nightmare, the nightmare of climate change... and so much more. Do we have a chance at a future—not just for ourselves, but for humanity? In a moment of existential danger and positive possibility, what's worth putting it all on the line for?
Bob Avakian (BA)—the revolutionary leader and architect of the new communism—is answering these questions, and much more, in this New Year's message. This is what people need to encounter, and raise their sights to—widely throughout society, and in their masses. From the message:
We are now at the point where it is more and more urgently necessary to move beyond this whole monstrous system—beyond a situation where people are forced to struggle just for individual survival, with everyone compelled to be in competition and conflict with others, and the masses of people everywhere are chained down by outmoded oppressive relations, while the future, and the very existence, of humanity is increasingly endangered.
And it is possible now to move beyond all this.
After hearing the beginning of this message and after meeting the revcoms and hearing about their bold actions on January 20, a student recently said, "I have been looking for something like this. It gives me a bit of hope." In response to the title of the piece, a young person asked, with pain in their eyes, "Is it hopeful?"
The answer is yes. There is hope—not by clinging to illusion and delusion, not by trying to survive this fascism, but by understanding the complex reality that we face, how we got here and how there is a way forward out of this madness.
Without an understanding of what's in this New Year's message, people will be left to fight blindly, or, the fruitless quest to escape the fascist storm that is already upon us. They will be left to the mercy of the collaborators with fascism... they will be left to the media mouthpieces, social media influencers and political pundits that accept the terms of this planet-destroying system. What is needed now is for people to look seriously outside and beyond the confines of this system. This is what Bob Avakian does—in this New Year's message, and regularly through his social media messages.
If you are reading this, you have a role to play in putting this before millions—providing understanding for the agonized, hope for the demoralized, and direction for the defiant.
Starting today, we are launching an emergency two-week fundraising drive to raise $10,000 to get this New Year's message in front of millions—through online advertising, posters and stickers.
To spread this message:
** make a donation
** join us on a mission to get this in front of others on social media, share it on your feed, be part of a team that is joining in social media comments to drive people to BA's social media
** pull together friends and family and watch this message with them. If you are part of a community or religious group, or have friends who are agonized about what's happening, invite them to your house or on a zoom. Write to us at info@BobAvakianOfficialEverywhere.org about having a representative with the National Campaign join you, in person or online.
A few more updates/tips for organizers:
** Funds raised through the year-end fund drive have already made it possible to advertise this week with Bob Avakian's New Year's message. On Instagram and Facebook, we are advertising with this ad, which gives a sense of some of the sweep in this message. On Youtube, we are advertising with the message as a whole. A wide range of people have clicked on the link to watch the video. These ads have put BA before tens of thousands, with 10K checking out some of the message, and almost 3K watching the message in full. To reach more widely, and make this "stick," requires more people on line posting and reposting, commenting and inviting/struggling with their friends and colleagues to listen to the whole thing.
** In addition to online advertising, this message needs to be reaching throughout society. Stickers and posters are an easy and impactful way to reach broadly. And one thing we've learned is, as important as online advertising is, it matters that people see something from multiple angles—on the streets, walls, and bathroom stalls. And the more THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity is having an impact throughout society, making it known they are followers of this revolutionary leader... the more all these things can interpenetrate.
You can download the poster and palm card for this New Year's message here. Post pictures of these posters up and tag @therevcoms on social media.
** Right now, as millions are being jolted, reach very broadly throughout society: courthouses, hospitals, schools and churches. In this emergency situation, people need to know there is a way out. Use the title of the message itself... play it for them on the spot. Talk seriously with people about how to get this to others, including through their contribution. Write to us with your ideas and questions, info@bobavakianofficialeverywhere.org.