Statements from Donors to the February 19 Fundraising Livestream
On the February 19 Fundraising Livestream: Bigger, More Revolutionary and More Participatory Than Ever!! statements were read from donors from all over the country. See these statements below, think about them and share them with others.
Read earlier statements at What People Are Saying...,And Doing. And read how people are taking up the Call to Raise $100,000 Goal to Put Revolution on the Map in 2023!
Write about what you are doing and send to
I loved the interview. I have heard BA speak and read many of his articles. With this interview you get much more than that. It shows the human side of the revolution and its leader. His sense of humor and his passion based on science!...
I think people should donate money to this revolution because It’s for a good cause. It will help our system get better because we can all agree it fucking sucks.
So you voted. We defeated the boogie man or at least that’s what they told you. We held our noses and chose the lesser of two evils one last time. And life went on, and for many, not much changed. In fact things have gotten worse for a lot of people. Somehow, even with the lesser of two evils in power, women still lost their bodily autonomy. Every day you turn on the television and we march towards World War III and nuclear destruction . Most of us still work 40 - 60 hrs a week and end up with minimal to no time to be with our families. Many of us work all week just to party all weekend and look each other in our numbed intoxicated eyes just to say “wow things are crazy” and that’s where the conversation usually ends....
I’ve been part of leading an RNL Circle involving people from different parts of the country, where we have a group call every week to discuss the latest episode. We are a diverse group coming from different backgrounds and we relate to the revolution in different ways. Some of us are ardent advocates of the leadership of Bob Avakian. Others are not, but they are deeply concerned with the state of the world, how to understand it, and what to do about it....
I am going to make a donation of $150.00 to put Revolution on the map in 2023. I
was deeply moved by Joe Veale's segment on episode 134 exposing the role of religion as a tool of the oppressers, how it is a mental chain consoling people in their misery.
Even though I'm a long-time sustainer, I want to contribute now to make this fund drive a success! The truth BA speaks, and especially the challenge for people to break with American chauvinism, is reason enough to get these interviews out.
I've been a sustainer since the tour started in LA. It is so important, so vital that people hear Bob Avakian. No matter what perspective you're coming from, whether you're thinking about how to change things or if you feel extreme sympathy for all those suffering here and around the world; if you are a thinking person, you WILL BE affected by BA.
He will Open your minds. He Will provoke you And he will challenge you
Friend, I want to encourage you to watch this livestream today that will premiere at 4PM CT and to donate to the cause as much and as often as you can and to share this link with others in your immediate circle (friends, family, colleagues, etc.) and beyond and encourage them to do the same. This is principally a challenge, a challenge for you to take real control of your life and to be a part of forging a new path for humanity, a path where no longer millions of children will be deprived of their future, a path where no longer will the Earth be ravaged and destroyed, a path where no longer will the few powerful dominate and exploit the masses of vulnerable people in the world....
I am a sustainer because the strategy and vision forged by BA is the only understanding of how to tackle the problems humanity faces that are commensurate to its magnitude. I live in a unique neighborhood, very diverse where many people know each other and are very engaged trying to make a difference through community activism. While their sentiments are positive there is resistance to really looking at the dangers the planet faces that will, and in most of the world has already, overwhelmed any individual community, or to look at the actual source of the problem.
Recorded for February 19, 2023 Livestream to Raise $100,000 to Put Revolution on the Map in 2023
Recorded for February 19, 2023 Livestream to Raise $100,000 to Put Revolution on the Map in 2023
I’m no longer a teenager and I am older now, but in high school I used to shout “down with the capitalist-imperialists!” Then I went to work for a number of decades, and that was no longer my life. I protested, sure, and I went to town hall meetings… but I was depressed because of the tragic, inhumane militarized violence of this system. Then, these past years, especially with the fascism in the U.S., I knew I needed to dig deep to get a foothold....
Change jars, etc for fund drive
Counting the donations
This is the second contribution from a supporter. He said it was because of BA's analysis that the war in Ukraine is not about national liberation. He liked the way BA took Sean Penn and "Little Steven" Van Zandt to task for their chauvinism.
I donated because the revcoms are right that this is a rare time and we need to instill in young people especially the hope that a new world can be achieved and the determination for revolution.
At a Honolulu watch party during last month's fundraiser we announced a garage sale on February 9th. Participants gathered stuff from their friends and we made $738 at the garage sale while also strengthening a network of financial supporters.
Short statement from a young man who encountered the revolution at a farmer’s market and bought 2 t-shirts and a copy of BAsics. He was instantly attracted to the fact that we are getting organized for revolution. He has since watched The RNL Show and been thinking of whom amongst his friends he can reach out to to get involved. He said he's been very pessimistic about change but upon meeting us, all that's changed. He has just started getting into BAsics and has a million questions and feels like he needs to learn more to be able to make the argument of why this is what humanity needs but he's open to learning as much as possible:
I donated to the revcom group because I believe in a more progressive, loving and abundant future for all of our local communities around the world.
From a Health Care Practitioner:
...The symptoms, poverty, violence, oppression... may be signs of the problem but no successful practitioner in any field of scientific endeavor confuses symptoms with root of the problems.
May we look to a practitioner who speaks to the cause of our problem and not our symptoms, only.....
Over the last five years working as an advanced practice clinician in healthcare, I have talked to many patients about the situation in the world: the critical battle for abortion rights and how we have to stop the Christian fascist movement that wants the complete subjugation of women, the fight to stop the rise of fascism in the U.S., and the need for the emancipation of all of humanity and a better world. Many of my patients openly know and appreciate the work I do. A few of them have even joined me in the streets, at different times. Some have donated money....
What I liked most about the interview with Bob Avakian was the warmth, humor, and directness of the real human being. Not the incisive philosopher and revolutionary—though he is marvelously both—but this person, with a past, with passions, with flaws, with modesty. I was not in the presence of a “god-man”; I did see a fully human man: his revolutionary challenge is, for me, made all the more powerful. Watching the interview also sparked my memory of having appeared as a lawyer in Spurgeon Avakian’s courtroom. I have gained greatly from both son and father.
—Steven Rood
From a retiree born in Iran on why donate to the REAL Revolution
I strongly believe there must be a revolution—a communist revolution, not anything else— a revolution going to reach the 4 alls, to eliminate all oppression. Of course this will not happen overnight, there will be a socialist phase.
Bob Avakian makes this clear for people, especially younger people like those in the Revolution Club. I really liked the Interviews with BA because he exposed what the world is really like, that we have to get rid of imperialism, capitalism, he tells people about [the U.S. coup overthrowing] Mossadegh in 1953, what the U.S. did to third world countries, how the war in Ukraine is by the U.S. and Russia both, wherever U.S. goes and benefits, they create war, they want the same for Iran....
This is from two people who are monthly sustainers of and are calling for many, many more people to become regular supporters of this movement.
It is critical that this revolutionary pole needs to be planted out there. The urgency of this becomes sharper every day: the horrors of the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine, the rising contention between U.S. and China, the rising prospects of an unimaginable nuclear war....
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