Over the next few days, go all out to build for the special broadcast of The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show:
An important message from Bob Avakian:
2025: A New Year—Profound New Challenges—And a Profoundly Positive Way Forward in the Face of Very Real Horror.
Watch it together with friends, family, comrades... everyone you can. Spread the word to others.
Thursday, January 16, 8 pm Eastern, 7 pm Central, 5 pm Pacific
YouTube.com/TheRevcoms and @BobAvakianOfficial
DONATE now so that this can reach widely as soon as it’s posted.
** We also want to share a letter we got from a volunteer fundraiser with her experience and insights about raising funds over these last several weeks. If you have ideas, insights, or questions, write to us at info@BobAvakianOfficialEverywhere.org. Especially in light of the announcement above, think big.
From a volunteer fundraiser:
In this last effort around the Fundraising Campaign to get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere, I raised over $2,200 from about 30 people. The donors I talked to included students and lawyers, an educator, a librarian, immigrants and others. People gave anywhere from $5 to $500.
After the election, many were shocked and devastated that Trump won. People I talked to really didn’t understand why millions of people voted for him when he was so openly racist, sexist and hated immigrants. There was revulsion to all of that, uncertainty and fear about what the future would bring. And there were big questions about what we could do about it.
I see the need to get Bob Avakian’s social media messages out widely in society and to reach millions. And I know this will take serious funds. Whenever I could, I played Bob Avakian’s social media messages so people could hear him directly.
In the aftermath of the election, I especially wielded REVOLUTION #102 (“Two Countries” Within This Country—And The Whole Damn System’s Got To Go!); REVOLUTION #104 (How can I talk seriously about a revolution when the fascist Trump just got elected?); and REVOLUTION #111 (We revcoms are serious—and all decent people need to be serious—about actually defeating this Trump/MAGA fascism).
Hearing BA opened up another way for people to look at the situation, seeing that it wasn’t hopeless. These messages spoke to what people were feeling... and answered what they were agonizing over. After hearing them, the people I spoke with could see the difference it would make if they were heard by the people who in their tens of millions could be a force that could defeat the fascists. People wanted to donate so we could reach all those other people who felt the way they did—that we could not accept a fascist future. Many people who heard a clip wanted to hear more and some said they would spread it to others.
I showed people the website BobAvakianOfficialEverywhere.org, especially the Intro to Bob Avakian, which has several clips with him that give a sense of who he is, what revolution is, and what kind of society becomes possible having made a revolution. Watching this intro gave people a sense of who BA is. One librarian saw this and said, “He’s very persuasive” and other people said, “He’s telling the truth.”
I gave people examples of what their donations could do, e.g., if you give $100, these messages could reach 4,000 people, and I got six donations of $100. I found a real openness from new people, especially to learn more about BA and what he is saying.
To draw some overall lessons:
1) I learned that it really matters that people who are considering giving a donation listen directly to BA himself. And it mattered that I was really familiar with them so I could play people different ones to speak to things they were thinking about and asking.
2) Ask everyone to donate—go really widely and broadly. You can’t predict ahead of time who is thinking about deep questions. If you don’t ask, people won’t give. And if people say no, you can learn from it.
3) When you ask someone to donate to get this revolutionary voice impacting society, you are asking them to give to the most important thing there could be—a future fit for humanity. And they are becoming part of a bigger effort with people across the country. We are opening up a conversation and relationship with people by talking to them about Bob Avakian and this revolution. BE BOLD!