We have one day left in our push to raise $10,000 for the National Campaign to Get Bob Avakian's revolutionary vision and voice impacting throughout society.
These funds are going to spread the New Year's Message from Bob Avakian: 2025: A New Year—Profound New Challenges—And A Profoundly Positive Way Forward In the Face of Very Real Horror. And they are going to produce a two-part Interview coming out soon that Sunsara Taylor did with Bob Avakian. Watch an excerpt of that here:
The Bob Avakian Interviews, 2025 (An Excerpt)
Annie Day on Bob Avakian & Why You Need Science & Leadership to Understand & Change the World
On last week's episode of The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show, after people viewed the excerpt of the new interview with Bob Avakian, Annie Day talked about the importance of getting Avakian's leadership in front of millions now. Watch and spread this segment:
This week, wherever people are starting to stir, reach out with these materials. Distribute these palmcards, put up posters and sell copies of the pamphlet version of Bob Avakian's New Year's Message in Spanish and English.
Finally, we want to share a short report we just received about raising funds from people who are just finding out about Bob Avakian. In addition to this, $280 was raised at a fundraising dinner organized by THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity which included over a dozen people just stepping into political life—agonized about what Trump is doing, and wanting to see a better world.
From a volunteer fundraiser:
I raised $353 from people at a party that drew together immigrants from both sides of the border. In this round of the Campaign to raise funds to get @BobAvakianOfficial reaching millions, I focused on reaching out to people who had given before. Since they already contributed, I wanted to involve them in talking to others to raise funds.
Two of my friends who had already donated invited me to a party. Going into this, we had been talking about the increase in deportations, how people were scared and what could be done. There were some in the family who supported Trump, but they weren’t sure exactly what others thought and they didn’t feel comfortable just asking people who they voted for. But the round of raids, arrests, deportations and the attacks on birthright citizenship were shaking people up. My friend came up with the idea that I should make an announcement at the party, give people materials and ask for donations.
I used Google to translate the fundraising leaflet and took the beginning of the statement from Andy Zee and Sunsara Taylor to introduce what I said: “Trump's first days have unleashed a juggernaut of fascist shock and awe. Immigrants are being terrorized, driven into hiding, rounded up and shackled on brutal deportation flights with no due process.... The brutal history of slavery and genocide is being erased.” My friend read over my statement, thought it was good, gave me encouragement and helped with some of the words I had trouble with e.g. “desmoralización.”
One of the hosts got everyone’s attention (the live mariachi band had just been playing) and when I spoke it was completely quiet. Afterwards someone said jokingly, "do you take credit," then pulled out his wallet as did about 20 others. One person threw a $50 into the bucket, others $40, $20’s, and other bills. I gave people the flier in Spanish from THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity about the kind of protest needed now, and distributed stickers.
This was the first time I raised so much money from people I'd never met before. I was a little nervous about not speaking in my first language, but I really wanted to try to communicate in their language to really “see” them at a time when they are being demonized, harassed, attacked and sent back to their countries. My friend said some of the people were undocumented and some were here visiting from their home country. She said many are scared and feel they can’t protest or speak out, but we can and not be afraid of getting deported. As I was leaving the abuelo (grandfather) came up and said how much he appreciated what I said and others gave me warm abrazos (hugs).
I learned the importance of putting the needs before people that what Bob Avakian is saying needs to get out to millions. When people like my friends understand the need for this, they can be involved in reaching out to others and that can be further expanded to reach and involve even more people.
Write to us to share your experiences and questions at info@bobavakianofficialeverywhere.org.