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Update #6 from the National Campaign to Get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere:

Taking on the Controversy!

Carl Dix taking REVOLUTION 73 to South Side Chicago


Carl Dix taking REVOLUTION 73 to South Side Chicago   

** We're in the midst of a big controversy that has broken out in response to BA’s social media message Revolution #73 where some people have been stung by his clear words and message: "Black people hating on immigrants. Nonsense, and worse, from people who should know better." A whole range of reactionaries are on the attack, from narrow Black nationalist American chauvinists to MAGA fascists, whipping up a lot of ugly anti-immigrant hysteria and slandering Bob Avakian. Hear how Carl Dix answered this. This underscores the importance of what Bob Avakian is doing in this social media message—and why this, and BA's voice overall—needs to be impacting all of society. There is debate breaking out on the revcoms’ and Bob Avakian's social media on Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. Join the debate on those feeds (we're not encouraging you to enter into the fascist swamp per se but important to show love to BA and the revcoms on their feeds). 

In response to this, we are doing online advertising with Revolution #73, and with this from Bob Avakian.

Stay tuned for a report on of what is happening in the developing situation on the ground in Chicago. (See "Revcoms Hold Successful Chicago Program on Bob Avakian’s Dispatch on Black People and Immigrants.")


** THIS TUESDAY is the debate between MAGA fascist Trump and War Crimes Kamala Harris. This is a big deal, but not in the way the rulers of this system want you to think. It's a big deal because it will be a direct political clash between the representatives of the different sections of the bourgeoise, who are at each other's throats.

It's a big deal because, as Bob Avakian has said, "[T]he way this country has been ruled for generations, by a basically unified ruling class, can no longer hold. The outcome of all this is very likely to be a radical change, of one kind or another. The crucial question, as I have said before, is whether this will be a radical reactionary change, further intensifying the already terrible oppression and horrific atrocities built into and continually committed by this system of capitalism-imperialism—or will it be a radical revolutionary change, opening the way to abolishing the basis for all this atrocity?"

Get Bob Avakian Official Everywhere—Online Debates During the Debate



But there needs to be a big intervention in the midst of this, with the clarity of Bob Avakian's revolutionary leadership

We don’t have to choose between mass murderers and plunderers of people and the environment. We can seize on this rare opportunity to build up the basis for revolution—getting organized now in the thousands, with the basis to win over millions and go all-out to seize on this rare opportunity to make a real emancipating revolution.

** Calling all social media warriors! 

Join a national crew assembling to watch the debate online together, joining in the comments sections of live chats online and various social media posts, contending up against all the bullshit that will be spewed by both MAGA fascist Trump and War Crimes Kamala. This can change the terms of the debate and drive people to check out @BobAvakianOfficial for themselves. Sign up here.

Bob Avakian: Why I am NOT running for president


** Get these posters up all over, and be part of mass distributing Bob Avakian's social media dispatch Revolution #81, in the next few days.

** Last week, we issued a challenge for 100 people to share Bob Avakian's social media by the end of Labor Day. We made it half way, and we intend to meet that goal! Go to for updates and tips on making the argument for people to share.

** Keep raising funds! We'll be announcing new fundraising goals soon, but so far the funds that have been raised have enabled us to have a broad reach of 2.37 million people. Of those "impressions," we have had about 124,000 views on BA's social media in total. Over 1,000 people have subscribed to @BobAvakianOfficial on YouTube. We have also done more "targeted advertising," i.e., reaching people in Chicago or targeting people interested in the "presidential debates." 

All this is just the first leg of the online advertising to get @BobAvakianOfficial everywhere. We want your ideas on how to reach different sections of people: What bands do people listen to? What shows do people watch? 

Write to us at or DM @therevcoms.