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We Need and We Demand: A Whole New Way to Live, a Fundamentally Different System


We Need and We Demand: A Whole New Way to Live, a Fundamentally Different System


Watch an important message from Bob Avakian:

A New Year—
Profound New Challenges—

And A Profoundly Positive Way Forward 
In the Face of Very Real Horror.

Watch it together with friends, family, comrades, everyone you can.

Watch an important message from Bob Avakian:

A New Year—
Profound New Challenges—

And A Profoundly Positive Way Forward 
In the Face of Very Real Horror.

Watch it together with friends, family, comrades, everyone you can. 
On The Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, by Bob Avakian
It is a fact that, nowhere else, in any actual or proposed founding or guiding document of any government, is there anything like not only the protection but the provision for dissent and intellectual and cultural ferment that is embodied in this Constitution, while this has, as its solid core, a grounding in the socialist transformation of the economy, with the goal of abolishing all exploitation, and the corresponding transformation of the social relations and political institutions, to uproot all oppression, and the promotion, through the educational system and in society as a whole, of an approach that will “enable people to pursue the truth wherever it leads, with a spirit of critical thinking and scientific curiosity, and in this way to continually learn about the world and be better able to contribute to changing it in accordance with the fundamental interests of humanity.”
We Need and We Demand: A Whole New Way to Live, a Fundamentally Different System